2013 Plataforma Vide Urbe / Barraco 55 (artistic residency at Complexo do Alemão) Live cinema and videointervention – outdoor workshops on the streets of Complexo do Alemão/ Favela Nova Brasília
2012-2013 ART-UERJ Guest Professor at ART/ UERJ, the Art Institute of State University of Rio de Janeiro. Discipline: Tópicos Especiais em Artes Visuais II.
2012 Bela Labe, Bela Maré. Teacher of Videoarte and Urban Intervention workshop, at BELA LABE / BELA MARÉ, curated by Daniela Labra.
2012 Viva Favela “I Encontro de Saberes: Cultura Digital, Jornalismo Cidadão e Cartografia Multimídia” On Multimedia cartographies- workshop presentation, together with Bruno Vianna.
2011 OI KABUM!- Escola de Arte e Tecnologia, OI KABUM, Brasil. Coordenadora e professora das oficinas Vide Urbe, de vídeo ao vivo e intervenção urbana, integrando a produção artística dos alunos na I mostra Vide Urbe.
2011 Agência Redes para Juventude/ Casa Da Palavra. Workshop on “Alternative Cartographies: concepts an tools”. The program methodology, idealized by Marcus Faustini, is aimed at potentiating young people between the ages of 15 and 29, slum and peripheral residents, to transform ideas into intervention projects in their territories.
2011-2012 Regiões Narrativas, at Biblioteca Parque Manguinhos. Workshop coordinator and teacher. Program coordinator: Illana Strozemberg/ O Instituto. The current project proposes to implement a training program for young people from the communities served by the Parque de Manguinhos Library for the exercise of creation through technology, expanding its repertoire of theoretical and aesthetic knowledge. The present moment presents a significant demand for research and experiences with focus on the development in the new narrative formats that already are impacting the information areas and the discursive creation in a broad sense. To what extent can the new narrative formats contribute to the production of new imaginary configurations of the urban territory and favor the emergence of new forms of exchange and collective experience?
2010 Festival Visões Periféricas Video Remix workshop. The workshop is aimed at students, general internet users, from the age of 16, with basic experience with image or video editing software. Synopsis: From the first collages of modern art to the free digital recombination of today’s Internet users, a multiple and compact overview of the remix culture will inspire a collective experience with the new languages and techniques of video-remix. Through online surveys, students will create and remix their own repertoires through VJ software and video editing, which will result in a live projection at the end of the workshop.
2007-2008 Escola de Artes Visuais do Parque Lage, EAV-PARQUE LAGE, Brasil. Professora do workshop teórico e prático Colagens digitais: do Cubismo à cultura da Remixagem . 3 edições, entre 2007 e 2008 Assistente da professora/artista Anna Bella Geiger no curso Mídia e arte , 2007 Monitoria do curso Corpo e Virtualidade (Prof.: Bia Amaral e Giodana Hol- landa) 2003 e 2004